
Swap and win!

At Monadex Labs, we want to cater to the interests of both mature traders and degens alike. With this in mind, we bring the Monadex Raffle, which makes the whole process of swapping a lot more fun.

Users will be able to participate in a weekly draw by purchasing tickets during a swap on supported pools. The amount of tickets you receive is proportional to your swap amount, with the added option of increasing your ticket count by using a multiplier (and paying additional fees).

Tickets can only be purchased during a swap and for supported tokens (and in turn, supported pools). For example, if the USDC token is whitelisted, then you can purchase raffle tickets on all pools built with USDC.

Users will have to enter the raffle before each draw, which will burn their tickets and register their entry along with their weight (in terms of the number of tickets they had) in the Raffle contract. If users fail to register, their tickets will not be burnt, and they can enter the next draw the next week.

A VRF service will be used to pick random winners in 3 prize tiers.

  • Prize Tier 1: The winner of the raffle receives 45% of the total prize amount.

  • Prize Tier 2: Two winners are selected and given 20% of the total prize amount each.

  • Prize Tier 3: Three winners are selected and given 5% of the total prize amount each.

Last updated