Monadex Campaigns - Our Token Launchpad Solution


Monadex campaigns is the ecosystem launchpad powered by Monadex Labs to support new projects that want to build on Monad by offering them all the tools they need to kick off their journey.

Read about the concept overview here.

Monadex Campaign Model

The Monadex campaign pool is a phased AMM model which operates in two phases.

In the initial phase the price of the token will grow as unidirectional swaps take place (only allowing users to buy tokens from the pool). Thus, early birds will be able to obtain tokens at a much lower/discounted price. During this phase, the AMM follows the x * y = k curve.

After the token crosses a certain price threshold (set during deployment by the token team), the AMM will transition to a stable swap AMM type, following the x + cy = k curve. This marks the beginning of the second phase. The second phase will continue until all the tokens have been purchased from the pool, or if the campaign time ends.

Monadex charges nothing to teams at the beginning, however, once the campaign ends, Monadex will have a 3% cut of any tokens left over in the pool as campaign fee. This fee model will allow teams to raise funds with 0 initial capital.

Starting a Campaign

To guarantee user protection against scams/low quality projects, a project review is conducted by the core team beforehand, ensuring that only legit and promising projects are on campaigns. The review usually takes 3-5 days to complete. It will always be a risk to invest in early stage projects, therefore all information regarding the project, including the potential risks, are disclosed publicly.

If the submitted project is whitelisted, the Monadex team will contact the project team to get all the required information to run the campaign. Usually setting up everything from the moment when the project is whitelisted takes approximately 1-2 weeks.

Once the campaign goes live on Monadex, it will run for a specific time period. After the campaign ends, 3% of the remaining tokens in the pool will be taken by Monadex as campaign fee.

Campaign Toolkit for Projects

With Monadex Campaigns, we aim to offer a robust experience for projects that use our solution to experience surging growth in their new journey on Monad.

Besides the raised money, projects also need support and guidance, especially in their early days. That is why campaigns are designed to support newly incubated projects by giving them a front-door access to our network, growth opportunities, and much more.

Last updated