Multi-Asset Swap

Swap one for two or more assets, or vice-versa

Multi-asset swap is centered around pools built with at least one LP token from other Monadex pools. LP tokens of other Monadex pools can be registered as supported tokens, which will allow creation of multi-asset pools.

Multi-asset pools can be classified based on their degree.

  • Degree 1: These pools hold at least one LP token type. For example, Monad <=> USDC LP token + BAT token pool allows swapping out Monad <=> USDC LP tokens by providing some BAT. Degree 1 pools can also include LP token + LP token pools which can hold virtually a maximum of 4 assets.

  • Degree 2: These pools are built with LP tokens of degree 1 Monadex pools, and can support a maximum of virtually 8 tokens per pool.

Generalizing, degree N pools can be created with LP tokens of degree N - 1 pools, and can support virtually a maximum of

2(N+1) assets2^{(N+1)} \text{ assets}

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