MonadeXP Campaign

The official Monadex points system

MonadeXP campaign is an MXP point system introduced by Monadex labs to incentivize active users for their efforts. The campaign will run for 3 seasons in total until the launch of Monad mainnet. Each new season the total pool of rewards will decrease, so being early is the key to accumulating more XP.

What do I need to do to earn MXP ?

Before the protocol goes live, the only way to earn MXP is by contributing to Monadex in various ways. For example, being active and helping new members, making art and memes, contributing to the protocol by improving documentation, translations, finding and reporting bugs, etc. Some contributions will receive more XP than others depending on their impact.

To avoid bots, abuse, and spam, the MXP distribution will be done manually by the team

If there is any unusual activity, the team can penalize suspected users by taking away their MXPs.

they are also transferable, so you can gift it your friends!

After the protocol release, the main way to earn MXP will be by actively testing the protocol, adding LP, making swaps, trying different features, giving feedback, etc.

At the launch of the Monad mainnet, MXP can be exchanged for MDX tokens, so do your best to collect as much as you can!

Last updated